Difference between Geeks and Nerds

Geeks and Nerd are two different species, we often get confused and think of these name as synonym to each other. But they are not. There are self respecting nerds and geek, but both have different traits. Let’s study Geeks vs Nerds difference n details.

We will see Geeks and Nerds’ personality traits in detail:

Read the full article on our website CrunchyFeed.com

Difference between Geeks and Nerds

Geeks vs nerds difference

Root and Install Google Play Store on Nokia X, X+ and XL

 Checkout the Fool artical on How to Root and Install Google Play store on Nokia X, X+ and XL at Crunchy Feed.com
Nokia X, X+ and XL are the recently announced their Android Smartphones.They are cool and colorful. They can be rooted very easily, even without the computer.
Root and Install Google Play Store on Nokia X, X+ and XL